
The company Karo is located in the Pomeranian Voivodeship in the district of Bytów, in the municipality of Lipnica. The company has been in existence since 1994 and currently employs around 200 people.

We sell our products all over Europe - in the amount of about 1500 trucks of the finished product per year. Export accounts for 90% of the company's total production.

In 2007 we built a new plant, which significantly increased our production capacity. We possess modern technological lines and wood processing machines.



From the beginning of the company's existence, we have been producing widely understood garden accessories. In the range of our products you will find various types of fences, trellis, rollborders, borders, stakes, tiles, flowerpots and other ranges.

Due to care for high quality and durability, all our products are pressure-impregnated, with the use of a chrome free ecological agent in our own modern autoclave.

- international
- forest

Transport międzynarodowy i leśny

Karo-Megier Sp. z o.o.

Sątoczno 9
77-130 Lipnica
Tel. 59 8218710 , Fax +48 59 8217708,
e-mail: karo@megier.pl
NIP 8421790475
KRS 0001016225
REGON 524337662

     TimoCom ID: 044825
Copyright © 2005-2024 Karo-Megier Sp. z o.o.